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Jun 16th - Jun 18th 2025 MAgPIE25 workshop & stories

After our successful MAgPIE training workshop last year, it is time again for the next round. The next workshop and stories event is scheduled from Jun 16th to Jun 18th 2025, please save the date. Like last year we plan to organize the event in hybrid allowing virtual as well as physical participation at the event. Event location will be again at the Telegrafenberg in Potsdam at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)

As in the last years the workshop will most likely be preceded by a virtual pre event to help with the installation of the required tools and will be based on the MAgPIE tutorials available online and presented by various members of the MAgPIE development team, giving you the opportunity to not only getting to know the model but also the team behind it. Sessions will address different levels of experience from absolute beginners to more experienced MAgPIE users and participants are encouraged to select sessions based on their own experience level and interest.

Like in previous events the workshop is planned to be mixed with MAgPIE stories sessions. These session will address the continously increasing community of MAgPIE developers and users around the world by creating a room to present own work and experiences around the MAgPIE model. A call for contributions will be published soon for which we would like to encourage everyone to submit their current work, plans, struggles or success stories around the model. The registration for the workshop will open within the next days.