Topic bazaar
To better link different activities around MAgPIE we created the topic bazaar. It is a space where everyone is invited to share own research or development plans around MAgPIE and to potentially join forces with other MAgPIE developer and users or just to get feedback.
With a constantly growing community around MAgPIE chances are high that you are not the only one thinking into a certain direction and making promoting your ideas on the topic bazaar will help to avoid parallel developments and instead help to speed up your research.
Event calendar
In terms of events we have all 4 weeks a monthly Open4All MAgPIE developer meetings for which everyone interested is invited to join. Besides that we plan to have once a year a MAgPIE introduction workshop as well as a community event to provide some room for exchange.
If you want to stay up-to-date in terms of MAgPIE events you can subscribe to our MAgPIE calendar. To subscribe to the calendar you can copy the following webcal URL and insert it in your calendar app:
Alternatively, you can open the calendar online in owncloud.